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..Disclaimer: This carrd isn't a be all end all . . . |
Endogenic Systems.
last updated 3 jun 2023
What's wrong with being an endogenic system? Why is it harmful?
What are they? |
Endogenic systems, often shortened to "endo", is defined generally as "systems forming for reasons unrelated to childhood trauma." |
So why are they so bad?
There are many reasons why endogenic systems can be harmful to the OSDDID community. So, this section will list a few, and why that's the case.
Perpetuating misinformation
According to the theory of structural dissociation, it should be scientifically impossible for systems to form without childhood trauma. While we are aware that there are cases where a state of multiple consciousness without the requirements for a DID/OSDD diagnosis is acknowledged, there'll be a reason why we believe that still doesn't = endo.
A community filled with stigma
The endogenic community is infamous for mischaracterising persecutors, perpetuating the idea of "evil alters", and treating fusion and/or integration as alter death. They also, from word of mouth, have a history of treating introjects in an allegedly distasteful way.
VERY harmful concepts
From system hopping to alter death, the endogenic community very often spreads physically impossible concepts. (note: astral projection as a spiritual practice is a real thing, system hopping does not claim to be that, even going as far as claiming to be a...psychological thing? Or something of the likes.)
Debunking common myths
You can scroll through the table! More may be added as I work on the carrd.
Myth | Answer | Myth | Answer |
Systems can form without trauma.................. | There is no reason during normal child development for the brain to not intergrate. There has to be some kind of serious disruption for dissociative barriers to form. Hell, even in known cases where patients didn't know or didn't think they had a trauma history, there is such thing as forgetting your trauma. The topic of non-disordered systems and systems that don't identify with DID/OSDD will be discussed in a bit. .................................................................... | Systems aren't inherently disordered and don't have to be.......................... | All cases of multiplicity are inherently clinical in some way. Think of it this way: somebody being seemingly less affected by, say, their ADHD doesn't magically not have ADHD. Being less affected by amnesia doesn't magically mean you don't have OSDD. Trying to push atypical brain development as a normal and non-medical thing is a poor attempt at inclusion............................................. |
There are people who genuinely feel as though this best describes them, so it has to be real. | As much as it's nice to say that everyone is entitled to their own experiences (and they are), it's easy to misidentify our symptoms and the causes for them. Voices or dissociation doesn't inherently make you a system and co opt did/osdd system language for yourself. | DID, OSDD and DDNOS aren't the only ways to be a system. | The issue is that non-traumagenic systems aren't systems. They shouldn't be using these terms. To quote this very lengthy reddit response: "if you don't have trauma stop talking about your internal framework using language that implies you do. Don't call yourselves systems [...] using these words that were created by and for people with trauma to conceptualise their resulting disorder." This is why I said earlier on that exceptions doesn't necessarily equal endogenic..................................................................... |
Just some more resources..
This is still a work in progress! I'll be updating this semi-regularly with new resources when I get them. I'll also try by absolute hardest to debunk articles endogenic systems have sent you, since oftentimes these resources conclude with a view that doesn't even inherently support endo systems in any way.
These following link are not necessarily syscourse related, but a good read!
History of Anti DID campaign in the plural community. (currently being rewritten, click here for the archived version of the old essay.)
This rentry section on somebody's views on endogenic systems, it really puts what this carrd wanted to say into perspective: that endogenic systems are not possible, because endogenic plurals aren't systems, as system is a medical term.
Why Endos Are Bad, another carrd on endogenic systems.
Another take on tulpamancy, while supportive of endogenic systems and labels, provides evidence that part of the endo community using tulpamancy may be harmful.